[Week 3]- 8 December 2023

Devlog: Chickventure - UI/UX Design


  • Splashscreen
  • Home Page
  • Play Menu
  • Item Shop Menu
  • Setting Menu
  • Level 1
  • Level 2
  • Level 3
  • Level 4


  • Splashscreen
  • Home Page
  • Play Menu
  • Item Shop Menu
  • Setting Menu
  • Level 1
  • Level 2
  • Level 3
  • Level 4


  1. Splashscreen -> Home Page
  2. Home Page:
    • Play Button -> Resume
    • Play Button -> New Game
    • Item Shop Button -> Item Shop Menu
    • Setting Button -> Setting Menu
    • Exit -> Splashscreen
  3. Play Menu:
    • Resume Button -> Level 1/2/3/4
    • New Game -> Level 1
    • Close Button -> Home Page
  4. Item Shop Menu:
    • Close Button -> Home Page
  5. Setting Menu:
    • Music Slider
    • SFX Slider
    • Close Button -> Home Page
  6. Level 1:
    • Background Slide
    • Item Shop Button -> Item Shop Lvl 1
    • Setting Button -> Setting Lvl 1
    • Portal Lvl 1 -> Level 2
  7. Setting Lvl 1:
    • Continue Button -> Level 1
    • Restart Button -> Home Page
    • Music Slider
    • SFX Slider
    • Close Button -> Level 1
  8. Item Shop Lvl 1:
    • Close Button -> Level 1
  9. Level 2:
    • Background Slide
    • Item Shop Button -> Item Shop Lvl 2
    • Setting Button -> Setting Lvl 2
    • Portal Lvl 2 -> Level 3
  10. Setting Lvl 2:
  • Continue Button -> Level 2
  • Restart Button -> Home Page
  • Music Slider
  • SFX Slider
  • Close Button -> Level 2
  1. Item Shop Lvl 2:
  • Close Button -> Level 2
  1. Level 3:
  • Background Slide
  • Item Shop Button -> Item Shop Lvl 3
  • Setting Button -> Setting Lvl 3
  • Portal Lvl 3 -> Level 4
  1. Setting Lvl 3:
  • Continue Button -> Level 3
  • Restart Button -> Home Page
  • Music Slider
  • SFX Slider
  • Close Button -> Level 3
  1. Item Shop Lvl 3:
  • Close Button -> Level 3
  1. Level 4:
  • Background Slide
  • Item Shop Button -> Item Shop Lvl 4
  • Setting Button -> Setting Lvl 4
  1. Setting Lvl 4:
  • Continue Button -> Level 4
  • Restart Button -> Home Page
  • Music Slider
  • SFX Slider
  • Close Button -> Level 4
  1. Item Shop Lvl 4:
  • Close Button -> Level 4


  • Flowchart UI & Notification when obtaining items and coins.

Development Notes:

  • The UI/UX design aims for intuitive navigation and clarity.
  • Prototyping ensures smooth transitions between menus and gameplay elements.
  • Flowcharts assist in visualizing the overall UI structure.
  • Implementing notifications enhances the player experience, providing feedback on item and coin acquisition.

Chickventure continues its journey towards a user-friendly and visually appealing gameplay experience. Stay tuned for more updates! 🐥✨ 

Get Chickventure: Finding Mama

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